It is an honor to have Raymond TeKorako Ruka on our Board of Directors. Meet Raymond!
Uenuku may Tawhiti; Elder and Tohunga, a Priest, from the Matriarchal Peace Nation of Waitaha, in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
My name is Raymond TeKorako Ruka. I belong to a matriarchal peace nation from Aotearoa, New Zealand called Waitaha, the water carriers. I am an Elder and Tohunga (priest), and I speak on peace and love.
Waitaha has a past that was prophesized in the following beautiful African proverb:
Until the lions have historians of their own,
the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Waitaha’s incredible history was desecrated by the “hunter” yet lived on quietly in an oral-only tradition of her people. Only recently were these ancient stories put into the written word by her own historians so that Waitaha could re-establish her rightful place in the hearts and minds of those who need to hear her songs of peace and love.
Raymond TeKorako Ruka has dedicated his life to the peace teachings of his beloved Grandmother Teachers. These women were direct descendants of the original navigators that left the shores of northern Africa millennia ago to map the world and finally settle the entire pacific basin region.
Raymond lives in Yellow Springs, Ohio with his beloved wife, Jenny.
Joseph Whitefeather. Board Member, MedincineSinging, Incorporated.
Native American Master Flute maker, and musician. Joseph is a husband, father, and grandfather
Kerry Cook: Board Member, Medicine Singing, Incorporated.
Bachelor’s Degree, Western Washington University,
Huxley College of Environmental Sciences.
Master’s Degree, Environmental Interpretation.
Alaska Pacific University.
Adjunct Professor: Colorado Mountain College.
History: National Park Service Ranger, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Helped develop computer program interactive museum exhibits, a visual guidebook to wildlife, trails, geology, and other park features. Has worked for over 50 National Parks including Cape Cod National Seashore, Voyageur’s National Park, Bryce Canyon, the Redwoods, Hawaii Volcanoes and Haleakala National Parks, as well as the Pacific War Memorial in Guam. Has also provided services to National Monuments, USFWS Reserves, ESFS sites, nature centers and state parks across the United States.
Sage Mato: Board Member, MedicineSinging, Incorporated.
Artist for the MedicineSinging Chakra Flute Series (professionally made by Joseph Whitefeather). Sage is an artist, wife, mother, and grandmother.
It is an honor to have Jody Harvieux Armstrong on our Board of Directors of MedicineSinging. Meet Jody!
She is the mother of three awesome children. Her husband is an avid supporter of Jody’s work and life.
Born in Stillwater Minnesota, Jody grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She has particularly fond memories of spending time with her family at their cabin on the Mississippi River. Her parents instilled in her a deep love of nature.
Jody holds a BA in English and Political Science from the University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA). She holds a law degree, JD, from DePaul University College of Law (Chicago, IL). She was an Editor on the DePaul-LCA Journal of Art and Entertainment Law. She particularly enjoyed her coursework in Feminist Jurisprudence and Environmental Law. Jody’s practice and love of the law is in the field of Intellectual Property.
She has served on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Dayton Area Commission on Education. Jody also serves on the Board of Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, Dayton, Ohio. CSSMV provides an expanding array of services to area families in need. She is passionate about the mission of CSSMV and has been humbled to work with the Choice Food Pantry and to help Mentor a Refugee family.
Jody has the Heart of what some call Servant Leadership. Caring and compassionate, and passionate about all she does, Jody brings a rich language and heart life to those with whom she enters into dialogue. She is a rich part of the emerging fabric of MedicineSinging. It would not be the same without her.