Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share

Collaborative Communities

For those interested in Collaborative Communities this earlier reference is absolutely fantastic. From the United Kingdom.

The Song of the Earth: A Synthesis of the Scientific and Spiritual Worldviews (4 Keys to Sustainable Communities) Paperback – August 31, 2012, Permanent Publications

by Maddy Harland (Author), William Keepin (Author)

The Song of the Earth brings together the voices of leading visionaries in science, spirituality, indigenous wisdom, innovative community, and social activism to paint a powerful portrait of new possibilities for the human family. Across the globe people everywhere yearn for a new civilization of harmony and vibrant cooperation among all peoples – living in balance with the Earth. This vision is not a dreamy fantasy; it is the birthright of humanity. Song of the Earth helps us to make this vision a reality.

The Song of the Earth

The Four Keys
1. Social Key:
Beyond you and Me – Inspirations and Wisdom for Building

2. Economic Key:
Gaian Economics – Living Well Within Planetary Limits

3. Ecological Key:
Designing Ecological Habitats

4. The Song of the Earth:
Am Emerging World View. One that is shared between
cultures all over the planet.

“These key questions are explored through the voices of many authors
from all parts of the world. “
Foreword page ix.

“This is an insightful book that carries a message full of hope.”
Mark Richmond, Director, Division of Education for Peace
and Sustainable Development, UNESCO

Earth Charter

International Communities for the Renewal of Earth


I am because we are.

We have forgotten who we are;

We have lost our sense of wonder;

We have degraded the earth;

We have exploited our fellow creatures;

And we have nowhere else to go.

In our ignorance we have disrupted the balance of life.

Now the air we breath hurts us and the water we drink poisons us.

All things are bound together;

If we lose the sweetness of the waters,

we lose the life of the land;

If we lose the life of the land

we lose the majesty of the forest;

If we lose the majesty of the forest,

we lose the purity of the air;

If we lose the purity of the air,

We lose the creatures of the Earth.

Not just for ourselves but for

our children – now and in the future.

But a new spirit is being born, a new awareness of

a transformation of our hearts and minds;

concrete changes in our way of life;

the renewal of our religions; 

the creation of a global society;


We remember who we are;

We reclaim our sense of wonder;

We acknowledge our responsibility;

We commit ourselves to the Earth;

We turn toward each other in friendship;

We turn again together towards home.

Some collaborative community systems are grounded within a specific cosmology. The Three Stones are one example of such influence residing within the background of some collaborative communities.

The Three Stones and God

(Christian understanding as well as some African Indigenous religious systems)

The traditional African fireplace uses three cooking stones of equal size and placement to support the cooking pot (clay or metal pot).  There is an African saying:  The cooking pot sits on three stones.  The three stones need each other; they work together.

Take away one stone and the pot falls down.   

So the One God can be represented by the one cooking pot and the Three Persons of the Trinity can be represented by the three stones.  The Father, Son and Holy Spirit share intimately together.  The Three Persons of the Trinity form a unity.  Take away One Person and the Trinity is incomplete. 

Author Country : Tanzania
Genre Type : Proverb
Location : Shinyanga, Tanzania
Year of Publication : NULL/
Publication : NULL
Sub Theme : Proverbs/Sayings, Unity/Division/
Author Name : Sukuma Ethnic Group, Father Joseph Healey, M.M./
Author City : Shinyanga

Ron Davis Alvarez

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