Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share

Comfort, and the Process of Change and Transformation. The Seven Stages

Before we move to the Comfort section of MedicineSinging™ Lets talk about Cosmology!  



Introduction to Comfort Series

Grandfather’s Teaching and Grandmother’s Embrace is where we share the eldership wisdom of the masculine and feminine of Grandfather and Grandmother in respect for one another. And as each bows to the other, they/we become One. Remember, a teaching is an embrace. And an embrace is a teaching. Together, the teaching and the embrace is good medicine that makes the heart sing. And it is the good medicine of MedicineSinging™.

This series is a bit more intense than all previous ones as it explains the varied aspects of finding Comfort, the processes we go through to find it, and what those factors
~ Watch This Video Before The Comfort Series. Comfort is what we seek when we are suffering, afraid, or confused. What we seek when we are a bit bewildered!
~ After this video watch the seven aspects of the process of Comfort. Be sure to watch in sequence for the best understanding, at least for the first time that you are watching.
Stage One: Discord.
Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Honesty. Direction: East.
This is where we most often begin the stages of life development. The direction from which we came. Here we run into conflict with the world or others. This stage begins with experiences of delight or disaster. If delight, we may be challenged to radically change our life and beliefs. If disaster, then bad medicine enters our lives. And if hurt deeply, we may be tempted to think “I will forgive but I will never forget”. We explore those paths here in stage One.
This stage requires rigorous honesty because discord is an invitation: It demands resolution, or re-orienting ourselves and our dreams. Of course letting go of whatever dream you hold is also an option. You can also take the next step to fulfill your dream; you can change the dream; give up the dream; or discount people, places, and things and possibilities and live a mundane life.
No matter how you look at it, Discord is an invitation from life. How we respond results in how we develop or decline.

Stage Two: Submergence.

Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Bravery. Direction: South.

This is where we get that “sinking feeling”, and we do not feel so good. We find that there are ways that have been found to cause pain in our lives, yet some are found
to be unnecessary pain! Such as? Not asking for help; trying to control everything; and, living life half-heartedly. To do the opposite of these requires bravery. Bravery to stop doing those things that brings unnecessary pain, and bravery to take steps in dealing with necessary pain.

By the time we are done, we hope to have survived Discord and Submergence and any necessary pain and are ready for Emergence. In other words we have “caught
our breath,” a breath that makes us survivors, helps us survive Discord and Submergence and a breath that is not only sacred, but is a breath we were promised long ago.

Stage Three: Emergence.

Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Respect. Direction: West.

Emergence is a renewed respect for the breath of life within us, the First Breath, and the one we were promised. Respect is the Grandfather’s teaching and Grandmother’s embrace. In gratitude for life we use what we need and give the rest to those in need. We give our best to every guest and we treat one another as we desires to be treated.

In this stage we also: Move from rumination to reflection, collusion with failure to growth by consciousness. We learn reconciliation and character design and how these equip us with empowered life-long skills. We are emerging!

Stage Four: Quiescence.

Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Humility.
Direction: North.

This powerful word means to be able to engage in the ability to be still, to reflect and then grow wisdom. We find the more we develop thanksgiving and humility, the more times of renewal comes into our lives. And from humility, wisdom. This wisdom allows us to move from character defects to character design and brings a surprising result: we can now work with that part of our life experience that has a wisdom in our depths that is greater than the knowledge we possess!

Stage Five: Volitation.

Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Wisdom.
Direction: Above.

Volitation: the ability to take flight! To rise above! Have you ever heard someone say “you need to take a bird’s eye view of this problem in order to solve it creatively”…to do so one must be able to rise above the problem into the clouds of
potential and creativity and return to the task at hand renewed and refreshed, and creativity accessed!

We need the teaching and embrace of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers. We are the embodiment of all that they were and are. They also gave us wings. It is up to us to take the steps and fly.


Stage Six: Temenos.

Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Truth. Direction: Below.

A place or space where deep psychological and spiritual work can be done. The spiritual masters and teachers and wise one’s write in order to create a sacred space within which the reader may enter.

For Carl Jung, psychotherapist and spiritual guide, temenos resembles among others a “symmetrical rose garden with a fountain in the middle” in which an encounter with the unconscious can be had “and where these unconscious contents can safely be brought into the light of consciousness.”

In this manner, one can meet one’s own animus / anima, shadow, wise old wo/man and finally the self, and become whole and healthy. As we grow older and wiser, we
learn to create or find such sacred space within ourselves, as well as between and among all of creation.

Stage Seven. The Great Comfort ~ Your Soul Song.

 Grandfather’s Teaching, Grandmother’s Embrace: Love. Direction: Within.

Now the times of teaching and learning, living in sacred spaces, respecting all persons and races, the Great Comfort is found. Perhaps it was gifts to us long ago, and we misplaced it. Perhaps we were displaced, we or our races and places. To find this great comfort is where the soul’s song is sung. Where teachings and embraces become our new shoes and shoe laces. Love helps us walk to the place within where soul and song become one, like dolphin and fin.

We have faced every direction and found them within, no longer blocked by guilt, shame, or impulsive whim. Then the favorable winds of the wise come upon us, as winds that blow down from great mountain tops.

Love centered within makes the cosmic shift to where the mind becomes servant to the heart. Our world has been turned upside down. Then and only then can the heart encompass the entire world with compassionate love. And no matter the direction we travel, at the end of the path love is found. Then anything is possible. To know this, is to know one’s soul song. To know this is to know the great comfort of MedicineSinging™

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