Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share

I live in a place

By Stephen W Emerick


I live in a place

Where Heaven and Earth ends

And Love begins.

And should you gain entry here

This is what you will find:


A shoreless shoreline

Like a trunkless tree.

A skyline with roots,

And vines that grow exponentially free.

Startling star lights –

Ancient stones that fly like kites.

A winding river

Deeper than the sky.

And towering mountains

That swim in your eyes.

And here there are languages

You have never heard before.

Where words become doors –

And dreams become floors.

And geese that slither,

And tiny mice that roar.


A place where everything is

Turned upside down.

Things you thought square

Become obtuse or round.

Cats bark like dogs

And parakeets howl like hounds.

Where students become teachers,

And custodians make Grand Rounds.

As villages slip into the sunset

And constellations become towns.

A place of rapt attention as

Raptors rest upon tendons.


And what once brought total confusion

Becomes the sun at dawns early night.

For this is the home of imagination,

Upon its virgin flight!

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