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Kerry Cook

Kerry Cook

Kerry Cook:  Board Member, Medicine Singing, Incorporated.

Bachelor’s Degree, Western Washington University, 

Huxley College of Environmental Sciences.

Master’s Degree, Environmental Interpretation.

Alaska Pacific University.

Adjunct Professor: Colorado Mountain College.

History: National Park Service Ranger, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Helped develop computer program interactive museum exhibits, a visual guidebook to wildlife, trails, geology, and other park features. Has worked for over 50 National Parks including Cape Cod National Seashore, Voyageur’s National Park, Bryce Canyon, the Redwoods, Hawaii Volcanoes and Haleakala National Parks, as well as the Pacific War Memorial in Guam. Has also provided services to  National Monuments, USFWS Reserves, ESFS sites, nature centers and state parks across the United States.

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