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Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share


Little Sister

(The Moses Trilogy)

Stephen W. Emerick

I see your tears mother, even as my own kiss the Nile
As I turn to follow the basket
And I will fly along the riverside my mother
Just as you have asked me to do
Watching among the reeds
To see where my little brother
Shall sail upon the waters
In his small and wind-blown ship.

Many times before I have
Playfully launched reeds and twigs upon the waters
Following them where they will
But never before
Has what been placed upon the ripples of time
Held my little heart like this singular and peculiar vessel

If only I could sail with him and keep him safe-
May I mother?

For suddenly I feel so alone and so afraid!
My hopes are so big, and his basket is so small
And I am too young to know how to pray
But if it may be possible for a young child’s prayer to be heard
Please, morning stars, dawn about to break, watch over this little one
Protect him from harm
And wait! If possible, for a second prayer to be heard,
Could you please let him come upon the shore where there will be loving
hands to pull him into safe harbor?

God be with you my little brother
And with our mother
And with me

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