Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share

Series 2: Meaning and Purpose

Series Two Guidance: Meaning and Purpose

People with meaning and purpose in their lives tell stories, and they often are about the Heroes, Helpers, and Healers in their lives.

Wondrous stories of who their Hero or Heroes have been. And how they at first followed that Hero, but eventually transformed and became a hero to others.

They can give you names and dates and times and places of people who have been their Helpers. Someone who lifted them up in a time of need, or of meeting another who transformed their life.

If you ask them who the Healers are in their life, they will often appear to pause and seem distant for a moment. This question asks them to reflect and pause, recalling the time of healing.

The greatest strength comes when all three are woven into a life of meaning and purpose. Three sticks are stronger than just one.

Pursuing and living a life of meaning and purpose means that eventually we become a Hero, Helper, or Healer in others and their life. We pass on the gifts that have been given to us. And we make the world a more wondrous place when we do!

Series Two Part One Blessing : Heroes


Whenever we talk about Meaning and Purpose, the talk always includes stories about Heroes in our life.

We chart our journey of the stories of our lives. We often chart by heroes. They challenge, encourage, and support us, and let us find our way. They influence the inner compass of our lives. Often a person, yet our heroes may be sacred places where are lives are changed. Sometimes by the Nature of Life itself, Sacred Sites included.

Sometimes they have inspired and saved us from ourselves, our compulsions, or addictions. Without them we would have died.

The Poet Mary Tall Mountain. She writes of her grandmother, and she inspired her as her hero: “Your Spirit remains, nourishing me.”

They remind us there is no immunity from hardship, tiredness, transcendent experiences, or the wonders of life. There is no immunity. There is only Partnership.

They remind us we must give up all hope of ever “being liked by everyone.” They remind us we must bear the questions that others ask us. And that we must relinquish any investment in “looking good!”

Our heroes remind us that if we have family, we will suffer. Through our heroes we become humble and becoming humble leads us to the door of Wisdom.

If we desire to be equipped to be a hero we must, as the poet says, “Be prepared to walk around as a leaf, ready to tumble at any moment. Then and only then, decide what you do with your time.”

You will be given all that you need. The journey itself will equip you.

Series Two Part Two Blessing : Helpers


Like the train going up the hill, we carry our lives of Meaning and Purpose. Yet at times we need Helpers, and so we add another engine to the train, to help us u the hill and over the top. Then too we hear said to Helpers, “I could not have done this without your help.”

And then there are the Invisible Helpers. Those we do not see and cannot do without. Always remember them: environmental workers, those that keep the power lines working. Those who pray for us.

The Reclusive Helper: These helpers work mostly in silence on their own. Often as the unseen Helpers.

The Inclusive Helper: They include you in what they do and in conversations treat you as an equal. They will speak of their dreams, but they will also ask you about yours.

The Predicting Helper: They can at times be somewhat problematic and best to avoid. The Prophetic Helper: usually come and speak to you alone. Prophecy about you and your life. This is found in stories of old and many religions scripture. The Individual Helper. There for us in important moments and events.

Like the story that knows when it is being told, helpers show up in many unexpected places and times. Pay attention. Helpers are showing up. They will be around as you follow your dreams!

Series Two Part Three Blessing: Healers

Healers always remind us of The three rings of power: Ask for Help; Let go of Control; and be Willing to Forgive oneself and others. The beginning of one potentiates the other two! This is Good Medicine.

The opposite of these is what makes us sick: Not asking for help; Trying to control everything; and Not forgiving self and others.

There is the healing of the mind: recollection, remembrances, of family, critical times when decisions were made.

What of decisions that no longer serve us? Thank it and give it its release, so new decisions may be made.

Sometimes healing comes by spirit; Spirit of God; Spirit of Life. Spirit of Love. Sometimes there is Generational Healing within families and cultures. To change the Family Tree to some degree!

When a tree must be cut down, we can see in the rings of the tree the things that have happened in its life: times of drought or plenty, times of fires and times of fullness. And as we review our stories and their Heroes, Helpers, and Healers, we can have a say in what we add to the family tree, the ring of the tree that is you and me.

And Nature itself will come to heal us, in brief and unexpected moments. How do we give thanks to Nature? Just imagine. And even in the imagining there is healing. And in this feeling, take steps of action that can bring healing: to the Earth; its peoples, its creatures great and small, and every kind of species all!

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