Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share

Series 7: "Relating Well"

Guidance: Relating Well to the World Universe, Self and Others

Guidance: It seems that a great deal is asked of us, regardless of status, station,
successes or failures. We are asked to relate to the world universe, which seems
overwhelming in itself! We are also asked to relate well with others. And all the
while we must relate to ourselves. Are we up to the task? What can guide us,
support us, and illuminate this path.

Lets keep it simple, so that when we find the world complex, we know where we
stand. We are all related. All are One. There is one house: three doors: the self,
others, and the world universe. Three stones, one casserole. Many campfires, one
flame. And then there are the three chairs! One chair for solitude and relating to
self. Two chairs, one for oneself and one for friendship; and three chairs for the
world universe. The world community. The foundations of kinship with all the world.

Lets look at each of these three and see if we can find the path illuminated. First we
loo at relating with the world universe, then relating well to others. And lastly,
relating well with ourselves.

Blessing 1: Relating Well to the World Universe

Blessing One: Relating well to the World Universe.

One house three doors? Yes. And for far too long we have only entered through the
door of the self. What is in it for me or my group. And we denigrated the doors of
others and the world universe. We have become out of balance.

If all three doors to our house are open and welcoming, this brings humility, and
humility brings wisdom and understanding. Which means in the end, our personal
story becomes richer and wiser. Our stories of relating well with others becomes
more vibrant and alive. And third, all the world becomes our home.

Blessing 2: Relating Well To Others

Blessing Two: Relating well to others.

Let us pay attention to what it is we dream of and desire to create with our lives.
This will guide our relating well with others (or not!). Take remembrance and
gratitude for your heroes, helpers, and healers. Be fiercely honest about your past
and present as well as the desire of the future you desire to create. And always
remember, you can only create a future with the help of others!

Blessing 3: Relating to One's Self

Blessing Three: Relating well with one’s self.

Relating well with ourselves – this becomes possible, engaging and enlivening when
we drain the brain of harsh judgement, learn to think from the heart, and bridge
right relationships from the start! And have a balanced right relationship with the
body: taking time for rest, learning new things, reflecting, dreaming, and being
fully present. Balance asking for help with giving help to others.

This is a shared world. As we share, we are spared from the greed, seeds, and
deeds of selfishness. And is selfishness not a distorted reflection of our need for
times of solitude? And if we need solitude and practice it, then we bring richness to
our relationship with others and the world universe.

When times are difficult or challenging and you question if the things you do make
any difference in the world, remember the three chairs. Anything done to one is
done to all. If you keep those three chairs in mind and keep them balanced, you
just might have a blast when living into the future, the gift of the present, and
humble thankfulness for the past.

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