Nothing to Sell, Everything to Share

Joseph Whitefeather
Native American Master Flute maker, and musician. Joseph is a husband, father, and grandfather
Kerry Cook
History: National Park Service Ranger, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Helped develop computer program interactive museum exhibits, a visual guidebook to wildlife, trails, geology, and other park features. Has worked for over 50 National Parks including Cape Cod National Seashore, Voyageur’s National Park, Bryce Canyon, the Redwoods, Hawaii Volcanoes and Haleakala National Parks, as well as the Pacific War Memorial in Guam. Has also provided services to  National Monuments, USFWS Reserves, ESFS sites, nature centers and state parks across the United States.
Click Here To learn more about Kerry
Raymond TeKorako Ruka
My name is Raymond TeKorako Ruka. I belong to a matriarchal peace nation from Aotearoa, New Zealand called Waitaha, the water carriers. I am an Elder and Tohunga (priest), and I speak on peace and love.
Click Here to learn More About Raymond
Adefoluke “Ade” Omotoso Shemsu
From 2014-2020, Ade invested 10,000 hours across various communities, participating in everything from trail projects in California, to building affordable housing in Oregon, facilitating reading programs in Maryland, supporting in youth programs in Washington state, and organizing neighborhoods in Ohio to name a few.
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Jody Harvieux Armstrong
She has served on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Dayton Area Commission on Education.   Jody also serves on the Board of Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, Dayton, Ohio. CSSMV provides an expanding array of services to area families in need. She is passionate about the mission of CSSMV and has been humbled to work with the Choice Food Pantry and to help Mentor a Refugee family.
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